Vampire Slot Machine

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Vampire vs Wolves online slot offers you a thrilling fantasy theme, it’s all about fur and fangs in this game by Pragmatic Play. You get to move over into a twilight zone across 5 reels, it’s a dark night and only the streetlights bring relieve in the darkness. Vampire by Espresso is an online video slot which is perfect for fans of horror and gore. The gameplay is similar to other slots in the Espresso library but the vampiric theme adds a neat twist. The structure isn’t overly complex and with good prizes on offer this game will be popular with everyone. Free to Play Espresso Games Slot Machine Games.

May the 26th, 1897 saw the publication of Bram Stoker’s “Dracula”. The seminal gothic novel that has shaped an entire genre of writing from literature to cinema, from TV to comic books. No one needs to have vampires explained to then, such is the impact that one Count Dracula has had on the collective consciousness of modern culture.

Vampire: The Masquerade - Las Vegas is a browser-based slot machine game, using the setting of Vampire: The Masquerade. A January 27, 2016 press release announced that Foxium and White Wolf had struck a deal for Foxium to license the Vampire IP for a slot machine game 2. In November 2017, they released Las Vegas, a 5x3 slot game themed around Vampire, featuring a vampire and his prey in a. Win up to €100.000 with Vampires Feast, but be aware, because you can easily become the pray from hunter. This 20 winning lines video slot is full of stunning animations, scary sound effects and side skill games Run from Dracula and his bloodthirsty fiance, hide from the werwolfs. Get the garlic and pistol symbols and save your life!

In a few years after its publication the internal combustion engine would revolutionise how we get from A to B, but at that point in history were are held together by the steel of the horseshoe and the railway line. Information could be tapped from one end of the earth to the other in a matter of minutes but we were still a few decades away from log-distance conversation and whilst the frontier had been tamed pockets of darkness remained that enraptured our collective imagination. Despite all our progress, we still stood, pilgrims on the edge of a forgotten forest.

From that dense thicket Stoker’s creation crept his way into the hearts and minds of an unquenchable readership. Dracula: a symbol of primal sophistication, of the unknown and the unexplained turned into cold, terrifying flesh has remained with us for well over a century and in some way has been with us for as long as we have had the time to sit and stare into the darkness.


Dracula is the accumulation of centuries of folklore, a creation sitting deep inside a recess of the human psyche. Count Dracula was not the first literary figure to drink blood, in fact he wasn’t even the first vampire. Stoker’s success is a combination of his narrative style, a realism brought about through a first-person narrative told as an epistolary novel through letters, diary entries, newspaper articles, and ships’ log entries and the unnerving refinement of Dracula’s ancient aristocratic savagery.

Vampire Slot Machine

He may be the first mythical blood-sucker to live in a castle, dress in fine clothes and speak with Victorian elegance but Dracula is one of the last in a long line of vampiric nightmares that have peppered cultures for thousands of years.

Lamashtu was a Mesopotamian demon. A female monster who would prey on pregnant women and steal their babies during breast-feeding. She would take the child, feast on its bones and drink its blood but looked nothing like the vampires we know today. She was part lion, part donkey, part bird, with other animals thrown in for good luck depending on who was telling the story. All this from a culture that thrived 5000 years ago and was nothing but dust and remnants long before Western civilisation had made its mark.

The Ancient Greeks had the Strix, a large-headed bird that fed on human flesh and blood. The Philippines have the Manananggal, “a malevolent, man-eating and blood-sucking monster or witch”, usually female with hug bat-like wings, with an abhorrence for garlic and salt. The same monster exists in Malaysia, but is called a Penanggalan, a word meaning “detach” or “remove”. In aboriginal Australia there is a creature called Yara-ma-yha-who, resembling a little frog-like man with red skin, no teeth and suckers on the ends of its hands and feet. The Yara-ma-yha-who would drop down out of trees and use its suckers to drain the blood from its victims. In the Caribbean you have the Soucouyant, “a malignant witch believed to shed her skin by night and suck the blood of her victims.” In the Celtic culture of Scotland and Ireland you have the Baobhan Sith, “a beautiful women who would seduce their victims before attacking them and draining their blood.”

That list could go on indefinitely, with just about every place and people imaginable having a blood-sucking monster to haunt the nightmares of its children. The range of people and places is extensive enough to reach right the way around the world and whilst the form that the creature takes will vary its preoccupation with imbibing human blood remains a constant.

Hunting Vampires

By the time we catch up with Dracula in the pages of Stoker’s novel, the Count’s requisite to preserve his own life by drinking the blood of his victims is becoming an increasingly problematic undertaking in his sparsely populated Transylvania outpost. The arrival of strangers to Castle Dracula serves him up a solution:

“I long to go through the crowded streets of your mighty London, to be in the midst of the whirl and rush of humanity, to share its life, its change, its death, and all that makes it what it is.”


London was the centre of Western society, the most populated city in the world and a veritable buffet of delight for a city still haunted by the murders of one Jack the Ripper and now it too could join the rest of the world, boasting its own blood-sucking terror.

The vampires that we recognise today were formed in the imagination of 18th century Eastern Europe and the horror the was left trailing in the wake of a cholera epidemic. As thousands died the ground swelled with decaying bodies giving grave robbers an endless supply line, but what waited for them in the thick black earth soon had them scrambling for cover.


The bodies that were uncovered had grown, as had the nails and hair and most horrifying of all were the traces of blood that smeared the sides of the mouth. Those who witnessed the uncovered graves drew what would appear to be a fairly obvious conclusion if you have no understanding of science:

The dead were rising up from their graves and in the dark of night they were hunting out victims, whose blood they would drain in an attempt to replenish that which they had lost.

This began what we now refer to as the Vampire Hunts of the 18th century. Eventually things got so out of hand that experts were sent out to dispel the myths and the act of vampire hunting was made illegal. The hunts might have stopped but the myth lived, passed on down the generations.

It was through these stories that many of the characteristics we now associate with vampires were formed:

Immortality, blood-drinking, the stake through the heart…”

Other traits were implied but not necessarily stated, something the Stoker made sure to do, along with adding a few flourishes of his own:

The fear of the crucifix, an aversion to sunlight and having no reflection are all attributes that Stoker can lay claim to but there are two more influences that needed to make their way in the world before Count Dracula could grace the pages of the famous novel.

Vlad and Polidori

The first is Vlad the Impaler. Dracula takes his name from the one that Vlad inherited from his father, ‘Dracul’, meaning Dragon, a name his father earned by joining the Order of the Dragon. Vlad also had something of a thirst for blood, albeit a less literal one. His method for killing ties in pretty nicely with this nickname and also helps to draw a connection with the obligatory stake through the heart. Despite Dracula’s bad reputation, if the stories about Vlad are to be believed, he puts our famous count well and truly in the shade after it was written that he impaled 20,000 of his own people outside the city of Targoviste as a warning to the pursuing Ottomans of his carnal barbarity. The gesture worked, as the Ottomans saw the decaying bodies picked apart by crows and high-tailed it out of there on their way back Constantinople.

The second influence comes from another 19th century author, John Polidori who wrote his novel “Vampyre” a good 80 years before Stoker’s “Dracula”. Polidori was good friends with Percy and Mary Shelly and Lord Byron and would often holiday together. On one particular trip to the Italian lakes the weather turned unexpectedly sour, rendering much of their time planned eating and drinking in the baking sun void. As a remedy to the boredom that ensued the four writers told ghost stories before one amongst them decided they could all do a lot better and devised a competition between them all to see who could write the scariest novel.

Whilst Percy Shelly and Byron contributed nothing to the outcome of the competition two novels would be born from the fruits of its labour. Unfortunately for Polidori, despite defining the vampire in the mould that we know so well today he was up against Mary Shelly, inspired by her knowledge of gothic conventions and modern science she penned the infamous “Frankenstein”, a novel that not only won the competition but became what is considered by many to be the first example of science fiction.

However, Polidori should not have been disheartened by his efforts. Despite being less well-known his novel went on to form the basis for all vampire fiction. Stoker took more from Polidori than I’m sure he would care to mention but it is undeniable that without his influence it is unlikely that “Dracula” would have appeared in the precise form that it did.

Along with the influences we need to be aware of there is at least one we need to ignore. If you look in the wrong places you might read of a tale from Ancient Greece about Ambrogio, a mortal who falls in love with Selena, the love interest of the god Apollo. Ambrogio does the only thing he can do to counter such overwhelming odds and makes a deal with the devil, or Hades. He agrees to steal Artemis’ silver bow in exchange for the love of Selena. Of course, Artemis catches him and makes curses him, making all silver cause him agonising pain. Then things get a little weird…

Artemis feels sorry for Ambrogio and makes him immortal, gives him super strength and fangs for him to kill animals with, which he duly does and then uses the bold to write love poems to Selena. He then takes things to their natural conclusion and kills Selena by drinking her blood. By doing so her body dies but her soul lives on forever, freed from the shackles of her physical form.

There might be a tonne in there that alludes to the vampire myth but most of it was written after the fact. This is not a Greek myth but a terrifying and crazy story masquerading as one and as such needs to be ignored when concentrating on the Stoker’s influences.

The Rise of Vampire Fiction

Bloody vampire slot machineVampire Slot Machine

Stoker might not have invented vampire fiction but in 1897 he perfected it and from this point on, as far as the vampire genre is concerned, the rest is history.

If I was to list the vampire films that have been release in the 20th century alone I would be here all week but there are a few noticeable standouts that need a mention.

It took just under a century but finally someone was brave enough to make a film called “Bram Stoker’s Dracula”, a film that was as 90s as it was Victorian. The cast were huge, the film was huge and the Count’s head was, well…huge. With Buffy just around the corner the 90s were about to go vampire crazy.

Nosferatu was the first vampire movie made…Wait, scrap that. Nosferatu is one of the first films ever made. Released in 1922, Nosferatu was directed by F.W. Murnau, a man determined to make the scariest vampire movie he could and despite being denied the rights by the Stoker estate to use any material from the novel made a film that about vampires and was, most importantly utterly terrifying.

What Nosferatu was unable to do, “Dracula” had no issues with and in 1931, one the most iconic retellings of the novel hit the big screen. Prior to Christopher Lee’s performances, Bela Lugosi owned the role and was the Dracula that most people thought of when the name was mentioned.

”Interview with a Vampire”, “Lost Boys”, “Blade” and my personal (and hipster) favourite, “Let the Right One In” are few notables without me daring to mention “Twilight” or any of the TV shows that grew in popularity in the 90s. Vampires are mainstay of modern culture. We love them because they are scary, smart and sexy.

No one wants to end up as a zombie but being a vampire comes with plenty of perks. You can live forever, have super strength, great teeth and get to wear a cape. He might not have started the stories in 1897 but what Stoker did with his seminal novel was define the genre and create a legacy that will live as long as its central character.

Vampire Slots Games

There have been quite a few vampire themed slots games over the years and when they have been good, they have been really good. Unfortunately there are plenty out there that are probably best left where they are. For this reason I’ll be keeping the list down to a much more manageable 5, but can assure you that some of the games on this list are as good as any game you have played before.

Blood Suckers

Blood Suckers is a game we have looked at before and for seriously good reason. Whilst you’ll find much more attractive slots games with even better features you will not find one about vampires with a house edge as low as this one. Quite simply, the best value for money vampire themed game out there, making it a must have on our list.


Did I mention that Blood Suckers was a Net Entertainment game? I didn’t think so. Well, Dracula is too and despite being an old timer now, this game still holds up as well as most other modern slots games. It looks fantastic, has some amazing features for you to sink your teeth into and is offering decent value for money too.

Immortal Romance

What’s that? A vampire game that isn’t from Net Entertainment. Surely it isn’t up to much? Think again people. Microgaming’s Immortal Romance is the highest scoring game on our list, coming in with a hugely impressive 10 out of 10. This game has it all. Enough of the praise already. Just give the thing a spin.

Blood Eternal

This BetSoft game has a tough gig on its hands. First of all it is sitting here in amongst the big hitters of Net Entertainment and Microgaming and secondly the house edge is not as good as we normally want it to be. But if you can put that one slight aside this game can just about hold its own with the big boys. It looks amazing and has fantastic bonus features.

Blood Suckers II

Blood Suckers II is the better looking, more engaging younger sibling of Blood Suckers. It might flatter to deceive a little, by not offering as good value as the original but sometimes it’s good to be led astray by something exciting and shiny.

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Whilst many people decide which slot to play based on the theme, special features or promotional offers, the savvy gamblers steer towards slots with the highest RTP. The house edge of online slot machines can vary widely, and it stands to reason that the lower the house edge, the better your chances of winning.

Top RTP SlotsRTPBet LimitsFree SpinsPaylinesRowsReels
Jack Hammer 297.10%£0.50 – £25010-2099315
Simsalabim97.50%£0.25 – £125Yes2535
Retro Reels Extreme Heat97.50%£0.30 – £112.50Up to 203035
Devil’s Delight97.60%£0.20 – £40Yes2035
Kings of Chicago97.80%£0.05 – £50Up to 30535
Starmania97.87%£0.10 – £20101035
Blood Suckers98.00%£0.25 – £50102535
1429 Uncharted Seas98.60%£0.10 – £100255035
Jackpot 600095.10 – 98.90%£1 – £2No533
Mega Joker99%£1 – £5No533

Of course, you should keep in mind that only the best slot sites to win offer high payout games from which you can take advantage. The return to player percentage of a game is measured over thousands of game rounds, and it stands to reason that the higher the RTP, the better the deal for the player. With this in mind, I have decided to create a list of the 10 online slots with the highest RTP.

#10 Jack Hammer 2 (NetEnt) – 97.1% RTP

Jack Hammer 2 is the first of many NetEnt slots to make this top 10 list. This entertaining slot has a crime and adventure theme, captured in a comic book style. There are an impressive 99 bet lines in this game, providing plenty of opportunities to win. It also boasts a variety of interesting features that make the game exciting to play, whilst creating chances to win. The Sticky Win feature sees any winning symbol combinations held in place for a free re-spin, and they continue until no new wins are created. There is also a free spin feature, where you get up to 20 free plays, where all wins are doubled and extra wilds randomly land on the reels. Jack Hammer 2 has a player-friendly RTP of 97.1%

#9 Simsalabim (NetEnt) – 97.5% RTP

This magical themed slot recreates all the excitement of a magic show. The stage is set, with symbols such as a magician’s wand and top hat, a caged dove and a Houdini-style chained chest. The hypnotist is wild, helping to complete winning symbol combinations. When you play Simsalabim, keep your eyes peeled for 3 bunny rabbit symbols on the first 3 reels. These trigger the bonus game, where you pull rabbits from the hats to reveal cash prizes of up to 50500 coins. The slot also features a free spins round, which provides the potential for big wins thanks to the triple payouts. All these features combine to provide a great RTP of 97.5%.

#8 Retro Reels Extreme Heat (Microgaming) – 97.5% RTP

The RTP of 97.5% is one of the highest you will find in the Microgaming slots selection.Retro Reels Extreme Heat has an old-school feel, with symbols you’d expect to see on a classic fruit machine, including cherries, lemons, bells, bars and 7’s. At the same time as providing a retro feel, it includes many features which you’d expect from a modern video slot. There is a free spin bonus, where you can get up to 20 free plays with all wins doubled. There are also wild substitutions and scatter pays. A highlight is the innovative re-spin feature. After any spin, you can choose to spin just one reel, which allows increased chances of winning.

#7 Devil’s Delight (NetEnt) – 97.6% RTP

Unleash your inner devil in this NetEnt video slot. Set against a fiery backdrop and tombstones, the 5 reels are filled with symbols from the underworld.Devil’s Delight is packed full of exciting features that provide plenty of chances to stack up the wins. The devil wild expands to cover entire reels. Whilst the free spins bonus features win multipliers of up to x5. Yet the real highlight of the game is the unique Soul Reaper bonus game. Match the correct sin to each character their soul will be added to the Soul-O-Meter whilst you reap a coin prize. When the Soul-O-Meter is filled with 15 souls, the Sin Spins feature is activated. Here, you get 10 Sin Spins where you can pocket some juicy rewards. With so many cool features and a high RTP of 97.6%, this is one hell of a slot!

#6 Kings of Chicago (NetEnt) – 97.8% RTP

Kings of Chicago mixes the best elements of a video slot with classic poker. The game is played with a deck of cards, which is shuffled before each round. Unlike normal slot machines, where payouts are made for matching symbols across paylines, in this slot, you win if you have a poker hand on one of the five paylines. The game includes a joker, which substitutes for all cards. Plus, the scatter label can randomly appear on any card. Get 3 or more and free deals, the equivalent of free spins are triggered. You can bag up to 30 free deals in the special feature and all wins are doubled. This innovative slot machine provides a unique twist on what you expect from a video slot, and boasts an impressive RTP of 97.8%.

#5 Starmania (NextGen) – 97.87% RTP

With colourful star symbols set against a pretty outer space background and a spacey, ethereal soundtrack, this NextGen slot is a real treat for the senses. Wilds are stacked onto the reels boosting your shot at winning combinations. There is also a free games feature, where extra stacked wilds can help create some big wins. The game features 10 paylines and wins are paid in both directions. With every line win, you also have the option to gamble your prize, for a chance to double or even quadruple your win multiple times. The great graphics, exciting features and favourable RTP of 97.87% make Starmania a real hit with players.

#4 Blood Suckers (NetEnt) – 98% RTP

The vampire genre has never been more popular, and it is the inspiration for this spooky NetEnt slot. You’ll see various Blood Suckers adorning the reels, along with the weapons to fight them off. It is not merely the impressive 98% RTP that draws players to this slot, but also the rich selection of special features. There are wild substitutions, scatter pays, free spins with triple payouts and a vampire slaying bonus game. Trigger the bonus and you will find yourself in an ancient burial chamber, filled with coffins. Open the coffins to slay vampires, earning coin wins with each creature you defeat.

#3 1429 Uncharted Seas (Thunderkick) – 98.6% RTP

This video slot from Thunderkick is visually stunning. The reels are replaced with a medieval style hand-drawn map and the symbols include a variety of sea creatures and beasts as well as sun, moon and star symbols. The slot includes a wild symbol which expands to cover entire reels, helping to create bigger wins. There is also a free spins bonus where you can earn up to 50 free goes. 1429 Unchartered Seas has a rewarding RTP of 98.6%, one of the highest you will find in a video slot, making it a popular choice with players.

#2 Jackpot 6000 (NetEnt) – Up to 98.8% RTP

Jackpot 6000 is a thrilling classic slot machine from NetEnt with a real old-school vibe. You can play with up to 5 paylines active, betting between 1 and 10 coins per spin. It is highly recommended to play with the maximum bet of 10 coins however, as this creates the possibility of triggering Supermeter mode. In this game mode, you can win a mystery prize of between 10 – 6000 coins when just 2 joker symbols land anywhere on the reels. Also, getting 3 jokers on a payline in Supermeter mode guarantees a jackpot payout of 6000 coins. When you play Jackpot 6000 with 1 – 8 coins, the RTP is a paltry 74.9% – 79.2%. Yet with 10 coins in play, the RTP ranges from 95.1% – 98.8%. The variance is because Supermeter mode is skill based, so you can directly impact the outcome.

#1 Mega Joker (NetEnt) – Up to 99% RTP

Whilst Jackpot 6000 boasts an extremely high RTP, it is just beaten to the top spot by another NetEnt classic slot; Mega Joker. Bet with just 1 coin and the RTP is an underwhelming 76.9%. Yet on the other hand, a max bet of 10 coins elevates the RTP to between 89.1% – 99%. Furthermore, it provides bigger payouts and the Supermeter mode. In Supermeter mode, you need to choose the bet level and the optimum level at which to collect your winnings. It is this element of skill which can increase the RTP. The skill component, retro style and engaging gameplay make Mega Joker a firm favourite with players.

Frequently Asked Questions

Because our goal is to keep you well informed we have put together a list of the most frequently asked questions and our team of experts has provided the answers below.

🏆 What are the best paying slots?

The best paying slots are the ones that feature a high RTP because that translates to a small house edge such as NetEnt’s Jack Hammer 2 slot or Simsalabim, with a return to player percentage of over 97%.

✍ How do I choose a good slot machine?

In choosing a good slot machine a player should look for high payouts, volatility and the features of the game itself. For example, you are bound to have a higher return on your investment while playing a slot with free spins and multipliers.

Bloody Vampire Slot Machine

💱 What is the average payout on slot machines?

The average payout on slot machine varies among slots but you are going to find a higher return-to-player percentage in the recommended online casinos as compared to the traditional slot machines. Blood Suckers slot and 1429 Uncharted Seas slot have a very high RTP of over 98%.

🎰 What is a high variance slot machine?

High variance slots are destined for gamblers who are willing to play for huge wins.Kings of Chicago is a great example in that direction because it features not only a high RTP but also a high variance, which makes it ideal for our example. Flexible betting limits, free spins and a unique twist on slots as we know them are just a few perks of enjoying this title.

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